Policies related to the LTP


Fees and charges

Fees and charges are our fees for using specific services – such as pool entry, building or resource consents, venue hire fees, transfer station fees, dog registration and more. Most services funded through fees and charges are also subsidised through general rates.


Development Contributions

Development Contributions (DCs) are how we recover the cost of extensions to our infrastructure when needed because of new developments such as subdivisions. DCs are paid by the developers who create this demand.


Revenue and Financing

The Revenue and Financing Policy aims to explain how we will fund the operating expenses and capital expenditure of our activities from the funding sources specified in the Local Government Act 2002 and Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 (LGRA 2002), and provide predictability and certainty about our sources and levels of funding.


Rates Remissions and Postponement

Our Rates Remissions and Postponement Policy is the document that sets out how and when Council can remit or postpone payment on rates.