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Te Aroha Spa
We are proposing to continue to explore options to help Te Aroha capitalise on its rich spa history and thrive as a tourist destination.

Roading renewals
We’re proposing to spread out our road pavement renewal programme over a longer period. We would closely monitor the quality of the road network, and prioritise work to try and keep the roads to the current standard.

Walking and Cycling improvements
We’re proposing that to keep costs down, we stop budgeting for new walking and cycling connections, and safety improvements for walking and cycling.

Town Centre Infrastructure
We’re proposing to prioritise maintaining and renewing the existing infrastructure over doing any major upgrades.

Additional Playgrounds for Te Aroha
To keep costs down, we’re proposing that we limit new playgrounds to the planned, new playgrounds in Matamata and Te Aroha.

Stage for Matamata Civic Centre
We’re proposing that to keep costs down, we remove this project from our work programme and maintain the level of service we currently provide.

Te Aroha Library
The Te Aroha Library is a beautiful historic building – but it also requires earthquake strengthening, and doesn’t meet some of the practical needs of a modern library.

The services that we provide
Removing or deferring large projects does help reduce the impact on rates, but not by as much as you might expect. The other type of cost is operating costs.
Our approach to rates and debt
To proceed with everything we’re proposing we would need to collect an additional $8 million or 15.7% in total rates for this coming year.
Rates Remissions and Postponement
Our Policy on the Remission and Postponement of Rates is the document that sets out how and when Council can remit or postpone payment on rates.
Fees and Charges
Fees and charges are our fees for using specific services – such as pool entry, building or resource consents, venue hire fees, transfer station fees, dog registration and more. Most services funded through fees and charges are also subsidised through general rates.
Development Contributions Policy
Development Contributions (DCs) are how we recover the cost of extensions to our infrastructure when needed because of new developments such as subdivisions. DCs are paid by the developers who create this demand.
Revenue and Finance Policy
We’re proposing that to keep costs down, we stop budgeting for new walking and cycling connections, and safety improvements for walking and cycling.