Hard Copy Submissions

Gaylene Lee
Business/Organisation (if applicable):

Topic 1: Te Aroha Spa

(Refer to page 15 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
Another waste of rate payers money!
Totally unnecessary!

Topic 2: Roading renewals

(Refer to page 17 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
With the increased cars and trucks using all our roads and with more new subdivisions opening up this will be an added pressure on the roads

Topic 3: Walking and Cycling improvements

(Refer to page 18 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
What a complete waste of ratepayers money!
Have only seen 1 or 2 on bikes on any day I have been to and from Te Aroha. Unnecessary!

Topic 4: Town Centre infrastructure

(Refer to page 19 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
Take out trees on footpath in town. The roots of the trees are dislodging the surrounding bricks, have seen many tripping up on uneven bricks sticking up. Not a very bright idea!

Topic 5: Additional playgrounds

(Refer to page 21 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
The fancy swing that was built in Grant drive just a few yards from our home has only had one college boy hiding in it. Not necessary

Topic 6: Stage for Matamata Civic Centre

(Refer to page 22 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
It is never good building sense to "add to later". The workshops that I attended re requirements of all the groups using the hall on a regular basis lodged the addition of a stage. This along with other requirements were not listened to. Too late!

Topic 7: The services we provide

(Refer to page 24 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
Do only the absolute necessary

Topic 8: Te Aroha Library

(Refer to page 26 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
We should always endeavour to preserve our historic buildings. Meeting seismic standards first, then as budget allows. Not a new build!

Topic 9: Our approach to rates and debt

(Refer to page 53 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
2021 Council 10 year plan "Annual Rates Revenue will NOT increase by more than 6% except for year 1 & 3". These are your own words Council.

Additional comments or feedback:


Do you have any other comments or feedback?
People are hurting! We all know with tax cuts the recession will be long and severe.

I really wonder if any of you are qualified to do this job. Obviously if it gets too tough you call in a consultant or two at a ridiculous cost to the ratepayer. Time for some soul searching and income cutting.
Your proposed rate hike would affect MANY people who are stretched to the limit. Last year with the 13.9% rate rise took the meat off the plate for so many. Your proposed 15.9% rate rise this year will take the bread off the plate. Any savings we have has been, and will be for our cancer surgery.

Fees and Charges

Do you agree with the proposed Fees and Charges for 2024/25?
No, I disagree - please explain?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which fees you are commenting on.
Transfer station fees should be wiped for rate payers. Fees for building consents and resource consents should be less. Venue hire for ratepayers should be lower that for "out of town people".

Revenue and Finance Policy

Do you agree with the proposed Revenue and Financing Policy?
Don't have an opinion on this topic
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.

Development Contributions

Do you agree with the proposed Development Contributions policy?
No, I disagree - please explain?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which section of the policy you are commenting on.
The enormous increase in residential developments should see developers charged much more rather than leaving the cost to ratepayers.

Rates Remission and Postponement Policy

Do you agree with the proposed Rates Remission and Postponement Policy?
No, I disagree - please explain?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.
Council needs to reduce drastically all unnecessary spending. Look at staff levels, is 3 large offices for Piako Council necessary?

Legal Highs

Do you agree with the proposed Legal Highs Policy Local Approved Products Policy)?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.
Ban legal highs from our community.

Dangerous Insanitary Buildings Header

Do you agree with the proposed Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Building Policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.
I would be more concerned with trees where the trunk is hollow and branches which come down.

Smoke Free

Do you agree with the proposed Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.
Why do we have SO MANY vape shops here??
Do we have to put up with kids blowing vape smoke in your face as you walk around the shops
Do you have any final comments?
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