Te Aroha Library
What we're keeping the same

The Te Aroha Library is a beautiful historic building – but it also requires earthquake strengthening, and doesn’t meet some of the practical needs of a modern library.
We believe libraries are an essential service. They provide traditional services like access to books and lifelong learning, but they are also community spaces - a space for people to gather and connect, as well as supporting literacy, digital programmes and bridging the digital divide by providing access to Wi-Fi, computers, printers and scanners.
To continue providing a library in Te Aroha we must do something about this building (meeting seismic standards as a minimum). At the same time, we should review our information centre, public meeting spaces, and office space. We will investigate and deliver a suitable building (relocating, upgrading or a new build) to ensure Te Aroha continues to have library services for years to come.

Investigate and deliver a suitable building to continue providing library services in Te Aroha.
We are will investigate and deliver a suitable building to ensure Te Aroha continues to have library services for years to come.
While more investigation is required to determine what this project might involve, we know we must do something about this building. So we are including $4.7 million between 2026-2028 (this was $4 million in the 2021-2031 LTP but has been increased to allow for inflation).
We will come back and consult with the community in more detail once we have more information.

Impact on debt:
$4.7m following completion in 2027/28.
Standard of service we would provide:
Minimum of existing level of service. Possible increases would be identified through the business case.
Average additional operating costs:
$322,000 following completion in 2027/28.
Average additional operating costs per property per year:
$13.15 following completion in 2027/28.