Key dates: Hearings: 8 & 9 May Council Chambers, 35 Kenrick St, Te Aroha. These hearings are a public meeting and anyone is welcome to attend.

Key dates:

How do we plan for the future when the current environment is so uncertain?

Local government in New Zealand has been working through the implications of a number of reform programmes (Three Waters, RMA and Future for Local Government). The new government has repealed some of the legislative changes and are working on new laws and regulations – this creates a lot of uncertainty, which makes long term planning difficult. On top of this, New Zealand has been grappling with significant inflation and interest rate increases, increasing prices not just for households, but for local government as well. Yet despite these challenges, we need to plan ahead

Enter your address below to check how the proposed changes
will affect your property. You can also search by your valuation or assessment number.


What do my rates
pay for?

Rates are not necessarily about paying for the services you use or receive - they’re about everyone paying a portion towards making their community a great place to live. Check out these video clips for some examples of what your rates go towards

Submit your feedback

Long Term Plan
Long Term Plan

Click the 'start your submission' button at any time while browsing this website to supply your details, and build your submission by answering questions while you browse the site.

Policies that support the Long Term Plan
Policies that support the Long Term Plan

Setting a draft budget and Long Term Plan relies on a number of underlying policies and plans. We're also seeking feedback on our draft Fees and Charges, Development Contributions Policy, Rates Remissions and Postponement Policy and Revenue and Financing Policy.

Policies that support the Long Term Plan
Other policies
Other policies

We're also consulting on some other policies that are due for review alongside our Long Term Plan. These include the draft Smokefree Policy, Legal Highs Policy, and Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Buildings Policy.

You can read more about these policies and make a submission on our main webpage.

Other policies

Apply for funding

Council supports a number of community groups and organisations that contribute to community wellbeing. This funding is reviewed every three years as part of the Long Term Plan process. Eligible groups/organisations seeking a multi-year grant should apply online through the grants portal between 21 March to 21 April 2024.


Long Term Plan interactive tool

In this Long Term Plan Council has chosen to focus on affordability - which has meant some tough decisions on which projects to include, and where we should cut back. This website highlights some of the big changes compared to our last Long Term Plan. Keen for more detail? Check out our interactive tool for a more detailed view of what projects we're proposing to keep and what projects we are proposing to remove from the draft Long Term Plan.

+ Check out LTP interactive tool