What we're proposing
to keep the same

The services we provide

Removing or deferring large projects does help reduce the impact on rates, but not by as much as you might expect. This is because these are usually capital projects, funded by loans that are paid back over a number of years - so the financial impact on rates each year is usually quite small.


Te Aroha Library

The Te Aroha Library is a beautiful historic building – but it also requires earthquake strengthening, and doesn’t meet some of the practical needs of a modern library.


Ready to submit your feedback?


Long Term Plan interactive tool

In this Long Term Plan Council has chosen to focus on affordability - which has meant some tough decisions on which projects to include, and where we should cut back. This website highlights some of the big changes compared to our last Long Term Plan. Keen for more detail? Check out our interactive tool for a more detailed view of what projects we're proposing to keep and what projects we are proposing to remove from the draft Long Term Plan.

+ Check out LTP interactive tool