What we’re reducing

Te Aroha Spa
We will continue to explore options to help Te Aroha capitalise on its rich spa history and thrive as a tourist destination.

Roading renewals
We’re spreading out our road pavement renewal programme over a longer period. We would closely monitor the quality of the road network, and prioritise work to try and keep the roads to the current standard.

Walking and cycling improvements
To keep costs down, we'll stop budgeting for new walking and cycling connections, and safety improvements for walking and cycling.

Town Centre infrastructure
We will prioritise maintaining and renewing the existing infrastructure over doing any major upgrades.

Additional playgrounds
To keep costs down, we’re limiting new playgrounds to the planned, new playgrounds in Matamata and Te Aroha.

Stage for Matamata Civic Centre
To keep costs down, we're removing this project from our work programme and maintaining the level of service we currently provide.