Hard Copy Submissions
Dennis Mears
Business/Organisation (if applicable):
Topic 1: Te Aroha Spa
(Refer to page 15 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
Topic 2: Roading renewals
(Refer to page 17 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
Topic 3: Walking and Cycling improvements
(Refer to page 18 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
Topic 4: Town Centre infrastructure
(Refer to page 19 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
Topic 5: Additional playgrounds
(Refer to page 21 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
Topic 6: Stage for Matamata Civic Centre
(Refer to page 22 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
Topic 7: The services we provide
(Refer to page 24 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
Topic 8: Te Aroha Library
(Refer to page 26 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
Topic 9: Our approach to rates and debt
(Refer to page 53 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?
Additional comments or feedback:
Do you have any other comments or feedback?
Fees and Charges
Do you agree with the proposed Fees and Charges for 2024/25?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which fees you are commenting on.
Revenue and Finance Policy
Do you agree with the proposed Revenue and Financing Policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.
Development Contributions
Do you agree with the proposed Development Contributions policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which section of the policy you are commenting on.
Rates Remission and Postponement Policy
Do you agree with the proposed Rates Remission and Postponement Policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.
Legal Highs
Do you agree with the proposed Legal Highs Policy Local Approved Products Policy)?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.
Dangerous Insanitary Buildings Header
Do you agree with the proposed Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Building Policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.
Smoke Free
Do you agree with the proposed Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.
Do you have any final comments?
Copy of email:
To Whom it my concern
Fees and Charges
Dog Registration Fee and Animal control Fees
With the increase in the dog registration fee going up there should be
a reduction for dog owners whose dog or dogs have lived passed there
natural life expectancy. My own Labrador has lived six years past his life
expectancy and is going blind and losing his hearing and has Arthritis .
The Animal control people do not and have not done there job properly
for years. So why is the council putting up these rates?
Rates Remissions
With this year rate rise of 15.4% and GST at 15% which has to be included
which this council has not mentioned at all.
This calculates with the 15.4% and 15% GST works out to 17.9% RISE
With this year rise an the last two years the rates will have risen 50% plus GST
at 15%.
With all these rate rises what has the council done with all this money?
With all the water rates collected over the past few years why hasn’t this
council been fixing the water pipes also why it takes months for the council
to fix a leak and then in a few weeks later go back and refix the leak again
and again and so on.
It would be better for the Mayor and some of the Councillors and some of the
High ranking Tie wearing works all resign form this council and certain workers
need to go, and some of them know who I mean.
Dennis Mears
To Whom it my concern
Fees and Charges
Dog Registration Fee and Animal control Fees
With the increase in the dog registration fee going up there should be
a reduction for dog owners whose dog or dogs have lived passed there
natural life expectancy. My own Labrador has lived six years past his life
expectancy and is going blind and losing his hearing and has Arthritis .
The Animal control people do not and have not done there job properly
for years. So why is the council putting up these rates?
Rates Remissions
With this year rate rise of 15.4% and GST at 15% which has to be included
which this council has not mentioned at all.
This calculates with the 15.4% and 15% GST works out to 17.9% RISE
With this year rise an the last two years the rates will have risen 50% plus GST
at 15%.
With all these rate rises what has the council done with all this money?
With all the water rates collected over the past few years why hasn’t this
council been fixing the water pipes also why it takes months for the council
to fix a leak and then in a few weeks later go back and refix the leak again
and again and so on.
It would be better for the Mayor and some of the Councillors and some of the
High ranking Tie wearing works all resign form this council and certain workers
need to go, and some of them know who I mean.
Dennis Mears
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