Hard Copy Submissions
Lewis Stephen Hale
Business/Organisation (if applicable):
Topic 1: Te Aroha Spa
(Refer to page 15 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Alternative option: Stop work on it all together?
Do you have any comments?
Topic 2: Roading renewals
(Refer to page 17 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Proposed option: Reduce our roading renewal programme to cut costs?
Do you have any comments?
We should aim to restore our roading expenditure to the same equivalent level as soon as funds permit, to avoid a renewal deficit getting away on us.
Topic 3: Walking and Cycling improvements
(Refer to page 18 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Proposed option: Stop budgeting for new walking and cycling connections and safety improvements?
Do you have any comments?
Needs must when the Devil drivers!
Topic 4: Town Centre infrastructure
(Refer to page 19 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Proposed option: Prioritise maintenance and renewals and Pride of Place?
Do you have any comments?
There are some fancy planning type works here. I notice a sense of vibrancy when a heavy truck passes by. I think the Council has by and large done a good job on the town centre.
And I think Council gardeners do a great job, often unremarked upon.
And I think Council gardeners do a great job, often unremarked upon.
Topic 5: Additional playgrounds
(Refer to page 21 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Alternative option: Cut costs further by deferring the Te Aroha playground?
Do you have any comments?
Don't forget Te Aroha's need in the long term.
Topic 6: Stage for Matamata Civic Centre
(Refer to page 22 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Alternative option: Keep the project in the work programme, but defer it a few years?
Do you have any comments?
Don't forget it in future!
Topic 7: The services we provide
(Refer to page 24 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Proposed option: Continue to provide all the current services, to mostly the same standard?
Do you have any comments?
It's very difficult to catch up if we get behind.
Topic 8: Te Aroha Library
(Refer to page 26 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Proposed option: Investigate and deliver a suitable building to continue providing library services in Te Aroha?
Do you have any comments?
The present building is an iconic building for the Te Aroha which should be preserved, unless a new building needs the site.
Topic 9: Our approach to rates and debt
(Refer to page 53 of the Consultation Document)
Do you think we should:
Proposed option: Accept that our rates need a significant increase in the year ahead to manage the significant increase in costs set out in the Consultation Document?
Do you have any comments?
I am not completely averse to the alternative option, but on balance prefer the first.
Additional comments or feedback:
Do you have any other comments or feedback?
Fees and Charges
Do you agree with the proposed Fees and Charges for 2024/25?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which fees you are commenting on.
Revenue and Finance Policy
Do you agree with the proposed Revenue and Financing Policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.
Development Contributions
Do you agree with the proposed Development Contributions policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which section of the policy you are commenting on.
Rates Remission and Postponement Policy
Do you agree with the proposed Rates Remission and Postponement Policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.
Legal Highs
Do you agree with the proposed Legal Highs Policy Local Approved Products Policy)?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.
Dangerous Insanitary Buildings Header
Do you agree with the proposed Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Building Policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.
Smoke Free
Do you agree with the proposed Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.
Do you have any final comments?
Sorry, I haven't had time to consider these Section 2 policies.
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