Hard Copy Submissions

P. L. Shannon
Business/Organisation (if applicable):

Topic 1: Te Aroha Spa

(Refer to page 15 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?

Topic 2: Roading renewals

(Refer to page 17 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?

Topic 3: Walking and Cycling improvements

(Refer to page 18 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?

Topic 4: Town Centre infrastructure

(Refer to page 19 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?

Topic 5: Additional playgrounds

(Refer to page 21 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?

Topic 6: Stage for Matamata Civic Centre

(Refer to page 22 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?

Topic 7: The services we provide

(Refer to page 24 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?

Topic 8: Te Aroha Library

(Refer to page 26 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?

Topic 9: Our approach to rates and debt

(Refer to page 53 of the Consultation Document)

Do you think we should:
Do you have any comments?

Additional comments or feedback:


Do you have any other comments or feedback?
Copy of hard copy letter received:

Dear Mayor Adrienne.

I have read the recent article "water meters part of long-term plan" as was published in the latest "Morrinsville News"

I am very concerned about the prospect of water meters being rolled out in Morrinsville township on three fronts.

1. The added huge expense of the meters themselves and the labour cost of installing them.
2. The added cost of each customer of water useage with those meters.
3. The possibility of the water utility being then sold off to a private company, where they could charge whatever they wanted to. eg Auckland's "Watercare" (as I understand it, is private) + otehr councils, as I understand it in NZ have also goine fown this route. (please correct me if I am wrong on this)
This is an extremely serious concern!!!!
(ie water metering!)

On a personal level I would like to say that I am a tenant on a limited income (being on a benefit) and in recent years my rent has increased tremendously and the thought of huge water rates due to metering send me absolutely shivering!!!!!

I honestly don't know what the answer is here but I don't think there us anything wrong with teh Matamata Piako District Counsil going against the trend of metering our water link other Waikato Councils have done.

* However, I do agree that big industries should have metered water and people in new builds with swimming pools.

I hope to hear from you sometime at your convenience by letter.

Fees and Charges

Do you agree with the proposed Fees and Charges for 2024/25?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which fees you are commenting on.

Revenue and Finance Policy

Do you agree with the proposed Revenue and Financing Policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.

Development Contributions

Do you agree with the proposed Development Contributions policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which section of the policy you are commenting on.

Rates Remission and Postponement Policy

Do you agree with the proposed Rates Remission and Postponement Policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.

Legal Highs

Do you agree with the proposed Legal Highs Policy Local Approved Products Policy)?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.

Dangerous Insanitary Buildings Header

Do you agree with the proposed Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Building Policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.

Smoke Free

Do you agree with the proposed Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy?
Do you have any comments? Please specify which part of the policy you are commenting on.
Do you have any final comments?
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