Submission Details

Full Name:
Alistair Dowdall
Business/Organisation (if applicable):
Date Submitted
2024-03-28 10:29:08

Fees and Charges

Do you agree with the proposed Fees and Charges for 2024/25?

No, I disagree - please explain?

Do you have any comments on this?

Hello Council Members, Last year we had a substantial rates increase on top of huge cost of living increases. You are now proposing another 15.7% this year. That would be 30% in two years. Am not sure if you are aware, but employees generally do not get an increase in wages that high, if at all. I proposed last year that a cap be put on rates increases and now I do so again. I propose a cap of 7.5% per year increase in rates. I don’t know where and how you expect people to cover this increase at a time where the cost of living is deeply effecting people. Am lucky enough to have a wage that was good 3 years ago and now I am tapped out. There is no more manoeuvring left in my budget. I did all I could to cover last years increase. If this increase goes ahead. I can pay my bills but there will not be enough left to pay for even basics. Please consider this! Regards, Alistair Dowdall

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