Submission Details

Full Name:
Graham Hooper
Business/Organisation (if applicable):
Date Submitted
2024-04-04 11:52:26

Development Contributions

Do you agree with the proposed Development Contributions Policy?

No, I disagree - please explain?

Do you have any comments on this?

Our Councils prepossessed 15.7% rates increase for 2024 -25! Sorry but rates are not Councils “cash cow”! All companies in New Zealand expect it’s there right increases before looking nowhere else! Pensioners and the low income, indeed many others are on fixed incomes! Councils’ yearly increases are not alone, for example Power, Commutations phone internet, normal household, living expenses etc! A rubber band will only stretch so far! Statement The route of today’s business problem is monetary coursed by Concession of Governments, The 1991 The Workers Contract Bill was the ruination of the working man! Concession Governments the past four decades have played reverse robin hood ‘take from the low income” unlawfully allowed the ‘self-called” professional such as CEO’S the white-collar brigade incomes, prospering out of control creating an upper-class causing New Zealand’s economic gape! Take it from me! Whom one that has experienced the unfairness unbalanced monetary workforce! Another example splitting Council Operation I’m talking about Kaimai Valley Services is Kaimai Valley Services set up in the way of Councils a reverse income, are the rate pays theology paying twice out funding contacts! Going back to the above statement all New Zealand companies are suffering the exactly the same fate! The elephant in the room is the cost of the CEO wages and the executive staff, those salaries at a huge cost to rate payers! For example, 1970 within my working career, a journeyman’s weekly wage $60.00 now in the day the manager managing 80 staff possible wage $80.00 per week, that’s how far New Zealand’s wage salaries are completely out of cult! I suggest wages and salaries of your white-collar brigade are an operation problem, honestly your value for money are the workers on the ground working the shovels! At any time, I’m available to talk. Graham Hooper

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