Submission Details

Full Name:
Greta Dromgool
Business/Organisation (if applicable):
Date Submitted
2024-04-05 01:07:27

Te Aroha Library

What do you think we should do?

Proposed option: Investigate and deliver a suitable building to continue providing library services in Te Aroha?

Any other comments on Te Aroha Library:

Please don’t close the library in Te Aroha. It is an essential service, particularly for those in our community with less support. For our family having a library in town has meant that we have had access to books that we never would have without a library. It has helped my daughter fall in love with reading and this has supported her learning at school. I spend my working day in front of a computer so having access to hard copy books is important or I would be spending excessive amounts of time in front of a screen. Access to digital and audiobooks are great but don’t work for everyone. I also love the current building. I understand the need for work to be done on it. Please do this work. Much of our town’s charm comes from these older buildings. They, along with services such as the library drew me to move here. Possible solution? I am curious as to whether a solution could be combining with a school library? There is a library in Christchurch that has done this and it also provides spaces for community meetings/interviews etc. I love the idea of a future library as a curiosity hub - a place with a focus on helping community members learn new skills, problem solve and share ideas.

Additional playgrounds

What do you think we should do?

Proposed option: Limit playground improvements to the planned new playgrounds for Te Aroha and Matamata?

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