Our challenges
Balancing affordability
Affordability is our focus for this plan
Other key considerations
Our priorities
What we're reducing
Te Aroha Spa
Roading renewals
Walking and cycling improvements
Town Centre infrastructure
Additional playgrounds
Stage for Matamata Civic Centre
What we’re keeping the same
The services we provide
Te Aroha Library
What has increased
Resource recovery centres
Morrinsville stormwater upgrades
Wastewater treatment plant upgrades
Matamata Stadium
What we’re unsure of
Waitoa water supply
Looking further ahead
Water meters
Swim Zone Morrinsville
Rates and debt
How it all adds up
Our financial challenges
Rates for 2024/25
Managing our debt
Rates for the next 10 years
Policies and Supporting information
Policies Related to the LTP
Rates Remissions and Postponement
Fees and Charges
Revenue and Financing
Development Contributions
Supporting information
Infrastructure Strategy
Financial Strategy
Investment Policy
Liability Management Policy
Submission Details
Full Name:
Olivia McCulloch
Business/Organisation (if applicable):
Date Submitted
2024-04-05 18:21:10
Error: no submissionId in URL
Our challenges
Balancing affordability
Affordability is our focus for this plan
Other key considerations
Our priorities
What we're reducing
Te Aroha Spa
Roading renewals
Walking and cycling improvements
Town Centre infrastructure
Additional playgrounds
Stage for Matamata Civic Centre
What we’re keeping the same
The services we provide
Te Aroha Library
What has increased
Resource recovery centres
Morrinsville stormwater upgrades
Wastewater treatment plant upgrades
Matamata Stadium
What we’re unsure of
Waitoa water supply
Looking further ahead
Water meters
Swim Zone Morrinsville
Rates and debt
How it all adds up
Our financial challenges
Rates for 2024/25
Managing our debt
Rates for the next 10 years
Policies and Supporting information
Policies Related to the LTP
Rates Remissions and Postponement
Fees and Charges
Revenue and Financing
Development Contributions
Supporting information
Infrastructure Strategy
Financial Strategy
Investment Policy
Liability Management Policy