Submission Details

Full Name:
Graeme Porter
Business/Organisation (if applicable):
The Bike Library - Waikato
Date Submitted
2024-04-13 10:58:57

Walking and cycling improvements

What do you think we should do?

Alternative option: Continue to steadily improve walking and cycling connections, but over a longer time frame?

Do you have any comments on this?

An unfortunate blind view of who is likely to cycle within the urban areas of Matamata Piako district.This action removes the ability of urban cyclists to move around the towns of the district safely. The action does not acknowledge future young cyclists who can use a bike to move around the urban areas safely and efficiently at a time when climate change issues are beginning to have an impact. This action reinforces car only mode. Recent urban developments may have internal shared pathways for cycling and walking but they end at the development entrance. There is no interaction with existing roads. Children will not cycle on the road in Morrinsville town. They all use the footpath. Coronation Road is a case in point. Two primary schools on this road. The vehicle traffic at school start and stop times is intense. No child cycles on the road. Even non feeder roads are unsafe as the parked cars will ensure riders run the risk of being 'doored' 'Cycling' is not E-Bikes for tourism. Council seems to be fixated with older aged cohorts using E bikes. To this end Council needs to come up with some very low cost alternatives. Cycling is about moving around your town in a safe and efficient manner. It requires safe designated pathways for cycling, low speed interaction with vehicles and driver education. This is the future for the younger generation. - something Council seems to be unaware of as the young people of the district are not rate payers. The Bike Library is a social enterprise based in Morrinsville which takes donated bikes, refurbishes them and on donates to children who live with someone who is not their natural parent. In the last three years The Bike Library has donated more than 300 bikes. Children who grow out of their bike can return it and get a larger bike. The recent announcements by Central government and local government has seen requests plummet to zero. The Bike Library is now closed and the stock of bikes, spares and tooling for sale to more active minded communities.

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