Submission Details

Full Name:
Suzanne Spooner
Business/Organisation (if applicable):
Date Submitted
2024-04-17 15:27:48

Te Aroha Spa

What do you think we should do?

Proposed option: Continue investigating options?

Any other comments on Te Aroha Spa:

It would be great to get just one large outdoor public soda water soaking pool somewhere in the Te Aroha Domain that can be run largely by the Spa complex and run similar hours to the Spa complex. It would compensate for the people wanting a soak without booking, especially for trampers walkers and cyclists as well as families and the single person who cannot use the other soak pools(being No 2) or spa alone. It will also be an alternative to anyone not being able to get a booking, and the disappointment of being turned away.

Walking and cycling improvements

What do you think we should do?

Alternative option: Continue to steadily improve walking and cycling connections, but over a longer time frame?

Do you have any comments on this?

A walkway/ pedestrian board walk is needed in the Te Aroha Domain from the Wilson Road exit to the North entrance on Boundary Street. We have over the last 20 yrs observed pedestrians negotiating the road with vehicles, and sometime heavy vehicles. There is no dedicated area for pedestrians on this top road that they share with vehicles. It is needed by all the Domain patrons that park on Boundary St and Wilson St and on the domain through road. It really is a health and safety matter, someone is going to get hurt while this sharing carries on.

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