Submission Details

Full Name:
Jacolette Jansen
Business/Organisation (if applicable):
Date Submitted
2024-04-19 12:48:45

Te Aroha Spa

What do you think we should do?

Alternative option: Stop work on it all together?

Additional playgrounds

What do you think we should do?

Alternative option: Cut costs further by deferring the Te Aroha playground?

Do you have any comments on this?

My opinion is that decisions on the development of any new playgrounds should be delayed until 12 - 18 months from now. Adding an additional 1.5m of debt for a new playground during a recession which may continue for another year doesn't make sense. Surely these items can and should be reviewed again next year?


What do you think we should do?

Proposed option: Reduce our roading renewal programme to cut costs?

Town Centre infrastructure

What do you think we should do?

Proposed option: Prioritise maintenance and renewals and Pride of Place?

Stage for the Matamata-Piako Civic and Memorial Centre

What do you think we should do?

Proposed option: Remove this project from our work programme?

Our Approach to Rates and Debt

What do you think we should do?

Alternative option: Borrow money to help cover the high increase for the year ahead?

Do you have any comments?

I selected the 2nd option however I don't have any other options to select from. WHy couldn't there not be a combination of option 1 and 2? I understand that rates will increase however the increase last year was already significant. My question would be - since central government has to find savings which are mostly achieved by means of redundancies, why is this still not an option for local government? Central government can also argue that their work load is similar/increased, yet there will be staff layoffs. Workload always seems heavy/impossible until you actually have to do it. There will always be a knee-jerk NO to layoffs but it should be considered. A large proportion of the current rates increase proposal includes the costs associated with Three Waters. The current government has indicated that it will be repealed. When this occurs, will the proposal for rates increases take this into consideration next year? When interest rates decrease in 2025, will this be factored in to the rates increase determination for 2025-26? I know the new stadium in Matamata is not up for comment however for a project with so much opposition, it's amazing to think it's still going ahead.

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