Submission Details

Full Name:
Anna Doerr
Business/Organisation (if applicable):
Matamata Aeroclub President
Date Submitted
2024-04-21 15:46:31

The services we provide

What do you think we should do?

Proposed option: Continue to provide all the current services, to mostly the same standard?

Any other comments on this?

Matamata Aerodrome: - support keeping the aerodrome service levels the same as currently and oppose any increase in fees. Reason - in the context of the $84m budget the services provided to the airfieild are negligible and are understood by the Users Committee to be difficult to determine accurately. We see there is no material gain in changing this service level. - support the focus on responding to climate change and in terms of community resilience we underline the importance of the airfield for enabling air responses during a civil defence emergency. - support the focus on affordability - and reiterate that the airfield operators have experienced a decline in membership over the covid years and are only now beginning to gain an upwards membership trend.

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