Submission Details

Full Name:
Barrie Mullins
Business/Organisation (if applicable):
Insulmax Waikato
Date Submitted
2024-04-19 15:09:53

Fees and Charges

Do you agree with the proposed Fees and Charges for 2024/25?

No, I disagree - please explain?

Do you have any comments on this?

We note in the proposed Fees & Charges for 2024/25 the cost of a consent for retrofit wall insulation will increase from $535.00 to $570.00. We wish to point out to the Council at large that it has other options rather than simply increasing what is already an unfair amount of money to insulate your house. Option1. Do what Hauraki DC have done and introduce an exemption pathway, which is typically at a lower cost to the house holder, as there is no need to tie up your inspectors with unrequired inspections. Insulmax system is "CodeMark" approved for any wall type cavity and under codemark we sign a declaration that the installation is to the codemark standard. The Council inspection adds no value as the inspector cannot see into the wall anyway. Option 2. Do what Hamilton City Council have done and agreed that the consent process should be "No Charge" as they want their houses to be efficient and use less power, which is better all round for the environment and the health of the households. We note the comment from Mayor Adrienne Wilcock, "NZ is grappling with significant inflation and interest rate increases, increasing prices not just for the households but for Local Government as well". If this comment is genuine, then we would urge the Council and Mayor to not heap yet another price increase on the households, and consider one of the options above. For comparison purposes please look at the current charges from other neighbouring Councils such as, Waipa DC - $180 (Exemption) Waikato DC - $77 (Exemption) Hauraki DC - $415 (Exemption) Yours Sincerely Barrie Mullins Director Insulmax Waikato 022-1234207

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